On a national level, the TAAM contributed to the founding of the Infrastructure Nationale en Biologie et Santé PHENOMIN, (PHENOMIN, National Infrastructure of Biology and Health) award winner of investments for the future in 2011, dedicated to the Phenogenomics of the mouse. The Infrastructure groups 3 complementary centres: the TAAM, l’Institut Clinique de la Souris (ICS) (the Clinical Institute of the Mouse) in Strasburg and the Centre d’ImmunoPHEnomique (CIPHE) (Immunophenomics Centre) in Marseilles, all at the service of the scientific community for the use of murine models in Research. The assignments and achievements of PHENOMIN consist of :
- Providing services for academic and industrial scientific communities
- Creating a unique resource of animal models, both for fundamental research and biotechnological and biopharmaceutical innovation
PHENOMIN-TAAM constitutes a part of the national infrastructure of distributed operational research CELPHEDIA (Création, ELevage, PHEnotypage, DIstribution et Archivage d’organismes modèles) (Creation, Breeding, Phenotyping, Distribution and Archiving of model organisms), which groups 15 centres spread over national territory.
The main objective of Celphedia is to develop technological approaches to understanding the genome, to create models of human and animal diseases, to develop harmonisation of experimental procedures and protocols and to facilitate access to models of interest in France and in the rest of the world (rodents, non-mammals and non-human primates).
On the international level, the TAAM has contributed for over ten years to the EMMA (European Mouse Mutant Archive) programme which has now been integrated into the Pan-European Infrastructure INFRAFRONTIER, an agent for the preservation and distribution of mouse models which the scientific community has recognised as being of scientific interest.